
Warwickshire Golf

Entrant List for WLCGA Summer Meeting

86 players have been signed up for this competition as of 7:03 AM Thursday 6th March

Susan Adams (Ladbrook Park)
Pat Aprile (Stratford Oaks)
Sheila Armstrong (Shirley Golf Club)
Jenny Arnold (Coventry)
Jean Badman (Ladbrook Park)
Kathleen Bale (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Val Barker (Shirley Golf Club)
Issy Bartram (Harborne )
Lauren Beaman (Moor Hall)
Elizabeth Betts (Moor Hall)
Jules Bicknell (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Carol Blackburn (Shirley Golf Club)
Anne Boardman (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Julia Burton (Moor Hall)
Lucy Campbell (Shirley Golf Club)
Jane Colman (Ladbrook Park)
Amanda Cooper (Ladbrook Park)
Lisa Cullinan (Rugby)
Penny Dawson (Shirley Golf Club)
Susan Mary Draper (Kenilworth Golf Club)
Susan Drew (Kenilworth Golf Club)
Annabel Edmond (Coventry)
Lesley Fisher (Shirley Golf Club)
Mary Fraise (Harborne )
Peta Frank (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Rahela Gordon (Harborne )
Jeanette Grimston (Coventry)
Angela Guest (Kenilworth Golf Club)
Sandra Hadley-Smith (Moor Hall)
Linda Hammond (Ladbrook Park Golf Club)
Rosa Hancock (Harborne )
Jill Harrison (Ladbrook Park)
Nicola Harrison (Harborne )
Kristin Hickey (Harborne )
Judith Hinton (Harborne Golf Club)
Cath Hoare (Kenilworth Golf Club)
Dawn Hooper (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Sally Ann Ievers (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Eileen Jones (Sutton Coldfield Ladies Golf Club)
Tracy Jordan (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Iris Lane (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Caroline Lassen (Ladbrook Park)
Pamela Leek (Shirley Golf Club)
Chris Lees (Leamington & County Golf Club)
Glenda Loram (Olton)
Lynn Lyon (Moor Hall)
Gillie MacMillan (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Lorraine McCracken (Ladbrook Park)
Wendy McIntyre (Olton)
Alison Seymour Mead (Kenilworth Golf Club)
Pat Mellard (Harborne )
Elizabeth Laird Murdoch (Leamington & County Golf Club)
Ann Nash (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Debbie Naylor (Harborne )
Iris Noons (Harborne )
Mary O'Neil (Olton)
Val Orton (Harborne )
Lynne Pearson (Shirley Golf Club)
Yen Pham (Shirley Golf Club)
Philippa Pickavance (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Linda Pillage (Olton)
Hilary Poole (Ladbrook Park)
Michelle Poulson (Leamington & County Golf Club)
Jennie Rattlidge (Harborne )
Rachel Rusted (Kilworth Springs Golf Club)
Tricia Sadiq (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Angela Sharp (Harborne )
Margaret Sheepy (Leamington & County Golf Club)
Jackie Simons (Shirley Golf Club)
Susan Sims (Ladbrook Park)
Janet Smith (Ladbrook Park)
Janet Stanway (Harborne )
Susan Steadman (Shirley Golf Club)
Valerie Stene (Kenilworth Golf Club)
Marie Swindells (Maxstoke Park)
Eileen Tatton (Moor Hall)
Anne Taylor (Ladbrook Park)
Kath Terry (Harborne )
Sue Timberlake (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Pam Townsend (Ladbrook Park)
Penny Waddington (Harborne Golf Club)
Julie Ward (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Joanne Waring (Leamington & County Golf Club)
Diana Wood (Edgbaston Golf Club)
Sarah Wynn (Little Aston)

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