56 players have been signed up for this competition as of 2:09 AM Thursday 5th December
Charlotte Atkinson (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Victoria Barber (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Stephanie Barlow (Stratford-on-Avon Golf Club) |
Issy Bartram (Harborne ) |
Lauren Beaman (Moor Hall) |
Elizabeth Betts (Moor Hall) |
Jane Betts (Edgbaston Golf Club) |
Carol Blackburn (Shirley Golf Club) |
Hilary Bramley (North Warwickshire) |
Julia Burton (Moor Hall) |
Janice Chapman (Copt Heath) |
Jan Clifford (Stratford Oaks Golf Club) |
Lynda Cooper (Olton Golf Club) |
Lisa Cullinan (Rugby) |
Penny Dawson (Shirley Golf Club) |
Jane Dennick (Leamington & County Golf Club) |
Karen Dodson (Copt Heath) |
Linda Edgington (Stratford-on-Avon Golf Club) |
Jill Focardi (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Skye Furnace (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Elizabeth Graham (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Angela Guest (Kenilworth Golf Club) |
Sandra Hadley-Smith (Moor Hall) |
Patricia Hale (Edgbaston Golf Club) |
Karen Hearn (Olton) |
Jane Hoskin (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Claire Howells (Whittington Heath) |
Marilyn James (Copt Heath) |
Jane Jones (Copt Heath) |
Fiona Kane (Copt Heath Golf Club) |
Glenda Loram (Olton) |
Lynn Lyon (Moor Hall) |
Wendy McIntyre (Olton) |
Elizabeth Moverley (Copt Heath) |
Elizabeth Laird Murdoch (Leamington & County Golf Club) |
Ann Nash (Edgbaston Golf Club) |
Carol O'Hare (Shirley Golf Club) |
Yen Pham (Shirley Golf Club) |
Linda Pillage (Olton) |
Lindsay Raison (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Rachel Rusted (Kilworth Springs Golf Club) |
Margaret Sheepy (Leamington & County Golf Club) |
Anne Sheldon (Copt Heath) |
Margaret Smith (Kenilworth Golf Club) |
Sarah Stanton (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Valerie Stene (Kenilworth Golf Club) |
Lisa Stockton (Moor Hall Golf Club) |
Eileen Tatton (Moor Hall Golf Club) |
Joy Trinder (Stratford-on-Avon) |
Anne Turner (Olton) |
Judith Turner (Ladbrook Park) |
Julie Ward (Edgbaston Golf Club) |
Bobbi Waugh (Walmley Golf Club) |
Susan Westall (Copt Heath) |
Susan Williams (North Warwickshire) |
Sarah Wynn (Little Aston) |