Girls must be full members of WLCGA. Two 18 hole qualifying rounds of stroke play played on one day. Handicap Index Limit 36.4.
Girls must be full members of WLCGA. The Age Group Championships are played in conjunction with the first round of the Girls Championship. Handicap Index Limit 36.4. Age groups: Under 18 and not playing in the Girls Championship, Under 16 and Under 14.
Girls may be full or associate members of WLCGA. The Series consists of three Stableford competitions played during the summer months. Handicap lndex Limit 36.4. Series points are awarded to the leading players after each competition. The winner of the Series is the player with the highest number of Series points from two competitions.
Girls may be full or associate members of WLCGA. A 9 hole Stableford competition is played on the day of each round of the Stableford Series. Handicap Index Limit 54.0.
A competition is played on the day of each round of the Stableford Series for girls who are members of WLCGA but have not yet achieved a WHS Handicap Index.